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Freedom of expression only exercised to attack Islam ?

samedi 29 septembre 2012 - 08h:09

Ayman Qwaider

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The haphazard anti-Muslim film "The Innocence of Islam" is not artistic or educational about the culture of Islam. I convened myself not watch the cheaply produced film, yet finally decided to do so in order to have proper firsthand knowledge about this dirty work.

French version

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Pakistani riot policemen hold back lawyers shouting anti-US slogans as they attempt to reach the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, last week - Photo by Aamir Qureshi/AFP/GettyImages.

There is nothing funny or educational that viewers can find worthwhile - neither the music or photography deserves or initiates a true feeling of reflection. Technically and intellectually it is absolutely zilch. 

Any conscious person (Muslim or non-Muslim) watching the film is left with a deep feeling of disgust. There are no words to describe such technically and ethically rubbish work. It disgusting and shameful.

It is of great importance to pause here and reflect on two fundamental questions that have risen as a cause to this crappy film. First, we have to question freedom of expression and speech precisely from the western liberal point of view. Second, how do we integrate the angry reactionary protests across the Arab and the Muslim world.

To begin with, one of the fundamental objectives of the Arab Spring was for Arab citizens to experience their freedom of expression. This right was expressed as tens of thousands of Arabs have sacrificed their lives for this freedom.

However, is it really freedom of expression if it does not have any limitations ? What is difference of freedom of expression and speech in the East from Western liberal ideological point of view ? In Europe, there is a difference between liberal and conservative views about freedom of expression. For example, the liberal philosophers argue that freedom of expression is a complex phenomenon and should only be exercised in conjunction with values. Freedom of expression should not cause social disturbance or spread invitation toward hatred or shame. Should there be laws to regulate freedom of expression ? The law and values are at the heart of this issue of freedom of expression. Therefore, the Muslim and Arab worlds should take immediate initiative to bring this issue to the United Nations to criminalize the abuse of all religious belief and put an end to this irresponsible so-called “ freedom of speech ”. It is rhetoric.

The Arab and Muslim anger protests against this abusive film is absolutely justifiable, yet violence is unacceptable. There is not a slightest doubt that the groups behind the abusive film about the Prophet Mohammed, Peace be Upon Him, already know in advance the reaction of Arabs and Muslims and in fact, this is their desired objective. It is surprising that Arabs and Muslims do not try to utilize and properly direct the anger protests into constructive and focused action on the greatest challenging issues of the Muslim world. 

This anger and disgust should be directed to challenge the Israeli colonial system in Palestine. For the past few decades, Israel has spent millions of dollars to transform the Islamic features of the holy city of Jerusalem, systematically Judaize the third holiest and most-important place for Muslims, and ethnically cleanse the Muslim Arab Palestinians from their homes and properties. Why do we not see this spontaneous anger directed to confront the daily colonial power that rapes a home for Arab people and desecrate the most sacred place for Muslims, after Mecca and Medina.

What I see about this crappy movie is that it has nothing to do with freedom of speech, but rather abusing ethics, values and principals. It also represents no-one except irresponsible individuals. I also consider this immoral abuse as anti-faith and anti-freedom of speech. 

* Ayman T. Qwaider could be contacted at :

His blog :

27 septembre 2012 - Transmitted by the author

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